Health & Safety.
Orlando Country’s Health and Safety Policies
Policy Statement.
Orlando Country is committed to health and safety and will ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of all our workers and other persons who may be put at risk from our work. As a good employer Orlando Country will make every reasonable effort in areas of accident prevention, injury management and rehabilitation, and promotion of the health safety and welfare of all employees. Orlando Country also recognizes the principals of health and safety the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and Health and Safety Regulations and effective and consistent management of health and safety across Orlando Country. We will address this care of duty by:
Complying with the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSW Act) and health and safety regulations, standards and relevant codes of practice guidelines;
Providing and maintaining a work environment or work premises that are without risk to health and safety
Providing and maintaining safe plant, equipment and structures;
Providing and maintaining safe systems of work;
Providing and maintaining adequate facilities for the welfare of workers;
Monitoring of health of our workers and the conditions at the workplace to prevent illness or injury;
Providing any information, training, instructions or supervision necessary, to protect our workers from the risks relating to their work;
Accurately recording and reporting any workplace accidents, incidents or injuries (events)
Consulting with other duty holders, our workers and their representatives, on matters affecting health and safety and encouraging participation
Ensuring appropriate processes are in place for receiving, considering and responding in a timely manner to information regarding incidents, hazards and risks;
Providing safe means or access and egress to and from the premises
Reviewing, revising and evaluating our health and safety management systems and processes at regular intervals to ensure continuous improvement; and
Supporting the safe and early return to work of injured workers.
Management acknowledges and accepts its responsibilities for health and safety standards in our workplaces however seek cooperation from all of our workers in achieving our health and safety obligations.
Emergency Procedure and Response Organisations.
The first aid kit is located in the kitchen – please ask one of our staff if you are requiring any medical equipment.
There is a defibrillator located by the main office, please ask a staff member for assistance if use is required. An epi pen is located in the box with the defibrillator, please ask a staff member for assistance if use is required.
In the event of an emergency, please follow instructions given to you by the staff member in charge. In an emergency situation please dial 111.
Notifiable injuries, illnesses or accidents need to be reported to a staff member immediately.
The potential emergencies that could arise in our workplace or on our worksite are:
Gas Leak, Fire, Earthquake, Vehicle Accident, Electrical Event, Accident/Harm, Drowning
Accident Procedure:
Staff to shut down any plant or equipment
Provide first aid if injured and stay with them
Dial 111 and ask for an ambulance
Seek further instruction from onsite manager
Earthquake Procedure:
Seek shelter under a solid object
Keep clear of collapsible structures
Evacuate to carpark
Seek further information from manager in charge
Other Emergency Procedures:
In the event of a fire, chemical spill, gas leak, electrical event and any other emergency
Seek shelter under a solid object
Evacuate to the carpark
Dial 111 and ask for fire
Remain in assembly area
Seek further instruction from manager in charge
Our evacuation signal is: ALARM
Our first aid kit is located: IN THE KITCHEN
Our fire extinguishers are located: TWO IN KITCHEN ONE AT BAR
Health and Safety Overview.
Management Responsibilities for Health and Safety
As stated in our health and safety policy statement we are committed to safety management.
We will ensure all steps reasonably possible are put in place to ensure that we can eliminate as many risks as possible and minimise the others.
Individual responsibilities for Health and Safety
Appropriate communication will be established with all persons in our workplace to ensure all information regarding safety is passed on.
Individuals should observe and practice safe work methods and well-being and do nothing that could harm another person.
They should assist with the identification of hazards and with determining suitable controls that will eliminate, isolate, minimise and monitor those hazards.
Commit to health and safety issues within the workplace.
Make sure that any equipment or work practices are safe and report anything that they deem to be unsafe. Make suggestions or participate in generating ideas for a safer space.
Ensure that any safety equipment that is provided is being used. And using any gear equipment or appliance for its intended purpose only.
Reporting and recording of workplace incidents / near misses and injuries
Any accidents, incidents or near misses needed to be reported immediately to management so that the correct procedure and reporting can be implemented.
In order for correct information and corrective procedures to be put in place we need to be able to have information recorded accurately.
Appropriate recording techniques are in place to allow this to be an effective system.